Saturday 1 April 2023 is Going Full AI for Article Writing: A New Era Begins

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[Image of Loona’s Chuu posing in a cute outfit, holding a book in one hand and a pen in the other. In the background, there is a stack of books and a laptop open to a document.]

Header Text: is Going Full AI for Article Writing: A New Era Begins


Dear Kpopalypse readers,

We have some exciting news to share with you today. After much consideration and planning, we have decided to hand over all article writing content on to an AI system. This change will allow us to focus solely on writing novels, a passion of ours that we have been neglecting for some time now.

Our AI system has been trained extensively in K-pop and related content and is fully capable of creating engaging, informative, and entertaining articles. We have been testing the system for some time now and have been impressed with its ability to produce content that rivals that of our human writers.

We understand that some of you may be apprehensive about this change, but we assure you that our AI system is highly advanced and has been specifically designed to create content that is up to the standards that we have set for ourselves over the years. Additionally, this change will allow us to dedicate more time and resources to writing the novels that we have been wanting to write for so long.

We want to emphasize that our dedication to providing our readers with high-quality content will not change with this transition. Our AI system has been trained to write in a style that is consistent with what our readers expect from us, and we will continue to edit and refine the content that it produces to ensure that it meets our high standards.

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[Image of Loona’s Chuu holding a sign that reads “Thanks for reading!”]

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We are excited to embark on this new chapter in the Kpopalypse story and hope that you will continue to support us as we focus on our passion for writing novels. As always, thank you for reading

Best regards,

The Kpopalypse Team

Also here’s a sneak peek at tomorrow’s roundup:

Okay, let’s try again:

Fine, never mind, I guess I’ll have to write my own fucking articles. Fuck…