Sunday 1 January 2023

One Piece 1071 | He is That “mysterious person”


Okay so this is who I think vegapunk called it would need to be someone who fits a criteria.

They have to be hiding from the Wg, It has to be someone we know, Someone who makes sense being in egghead.

looking at all possible candidates and I can narrow it down to Xdrake.

now why xdrake ?

well first off at the very start of the arc we got this.

we know drake is missing or just not contacting sword for whatever reason and In the recent sbs. Oda said drakes hobbies were the sturdy of lizards and the sturdy of astrophysics so while not a scientist he does have a strong interest in science and we get this info just as we enter a science base arc ?

2. Logically it makes sense he would he here.

when leaving wano you just have 3 locations to go if you follow the pose.

those 3 islands are elbaf, winner island and egghead.

so he has a 33.33% chance of ending up in egghead or 1 in 3.

3. drake might have a connection to vegapunk as well.

you see drake in the time skip attacked an island refered to as kaido fav island and if you look closer at it, the island is advanced. First off everything is artificial

The trees and mountains are made of metal.

But also in the anime we came across a dome city where the buildings kind of look like the ones on egghead.

so perhaps drake was there to get something for vegapunk ?

Now why would he be hiding from the WG ?

well in wano while he was fighting apoo, cp0 jumped out and attacked drake

so he has already become an enemy of the WG.

so this is what I think happened.

drake escaped wano injured but sailed off to meet vegapunk who brought him in and helped him recover drake never contacted sword because I believe he’s views of justice has been warped.

Aokiji told smoker that when he left the marines he views the world differently and no longer believes justice has to be held in the hands of the WG alone.

drake has been away from the marines for a while and I think he has just arrived at the same conclusion as aokiji he no longer wishes to be a marine or even a part of sword, he’s going to find his own justice.

when he hears cp0 planning to sabotage Luffy’s fight drake steps up and stabs him in the back to which cp0 asks “ why “

drake replies, ” my justice tells me so “

it ultimately failed but the message was clear drake will follow his own justice.

vegapunk wants drake to be their bodyguard and escort them to the ship which makes sense as drake played the role of the body guard in wano as he fought off beast pirares and apoo in order to protect chopper.

this also lines up with my xdrake for nakama theory that I posted months ago I will link in the comments.

So drake is the man.