Sunday 4 December 2022

Wano will be Destroyed Soon - One Piece

 I believe wano will be attacked at some point in the future and the Pluton will be stolen,

so to properly explain this theory I will explaining 3 things.

who attacks wano

yamatos death

how the borders will be opened

I will try to keep this short as possible and keep to the main points all I ask if for you to give this theory a chance As it’s out there but I have faith in it.

the summary of what I will be discussing will be:

Summaryshiki will attackyamato will die saving momo’s life.There is an evil version of zunisha lurking about.

so with that being said:

Who attacks wano.

I believe wano will be attacked by no other than Shiki himself, now in order to keep this theory from being to long I will just get to the point and will post my full Shiki theory ( Which ohara made a video of if you also want to check that out ) in the comments.

So, the reason I believe Shiki is out there and will be a threat is this. He is a canon character and while he was in the movie strong world that movie itself is nom canon. So the real Shiki is out there somewhere and I believe we been seeing hints of him all over the place. I believe it was Shiki and rocks were were behind the murders of the kurosumi clan and were setting up orocni to become their puppet unif the day they were ready to take wano but external events hindered their plan, but he is still out their lurking around plotting something we still don’t fully know yet. By the end of wano Caribou finds out about pluton and is going to tell someone about it.

It can’t be black beard now considering black beard is attacking law in order to get his wano poneglph so he has no reason to go to wano now. 2. It can’t be imu because why would caribou be working for him ? 3. It can’t be crocodile because I can’t really see him being on a level to take wano from Yamato and momo. I believe this figure will be Shiki.

2. Yamato dies

now this is where I think I will lose many of you if I didn’t so already with Shiki but this is my argument.

For a year now I been saying Yamato will not be joining the crew and will stay in wano and I along with others who believed it were right. So why does she die ?

well personally what is her purpose for the series if she doesn’t join. Oda went out of his way to make us believe Yamato was a straw hat but he never really developed her relationship with the crew. She didn’t fight along side them nor really develop any bonds with any of the crew. The crew didn’t even meet her till the raid was over So if she isn’t joining the crew then she doesn’t really have a real purpose in the story unless she is destined to do something else. When luffy was leaving Wano it was stated momo simply isn’t strong enough to protect wano from any real yonko/admiral level invader, this is why Yamato stayed behind to protect momo and wano. 3 red flags that went off for me are:

luffy giving wano his flag, luffy made wano his territory and I can see a point where this will come full circle, the burning of a flag is considered a act of war and I think someone will essentially declare war on the straw hats leading to the final war.

luffy telling yamato to protect momo and that he doesn’t want weaklings to join his crew. Now I don’t see momo joining the crew but I do see a moment where he will return to them seeking their help and will be part of the final fight. I think luffy making Yamato promise to protect momo will also come full circle as momo will be attacked at some point in the future. Unable to defend himself and the scabbards it will be Yamato who comes to his rescue and give them a fight But will ultimately fall to them. Yamato will give her life saving momo similar to how Ace gave his life to save luffy and this in turn will push momo to get stronger.

momo saying he will surpass oden. This is also something to come full circle. I believe momo will get stronger but the thing about momo is that he gets stronger in stressful situations where he is pushed. He made flame clouds that carried onigashima at the last moment when the clouds kaido created were destroyed and he managed to use borobreath on greenbull when he was pushed to his limits. These do or die moments are what pushed momo. Now immediately after he said this to kinemom Yamato turned around and asked momo if he’s talking about her because the joke is she thinks she’s oden. I think this was half joke half foreshadowing.

Yamato will give Her life to save momo and this will be what pushes momo to get stronger and surpass her as the real guardian deity of wano.

how the borders of wano will be opened.

so now how will wano be opened. Well my very first theory on reddit was about zunisha and how there’s another version of it out there and I recently updated that theory.

Essentially this is how the theory goes.

In a sbs oda revealed they name of zunisha species as.

Naitamie Norida Elephant,

when read backwards and translated we get dari no e mitai na which means it looks like Dali painting.

salvador dali was a famous artist for surreal paintings of clocks melting but another famous painting of his was the elephants

we can see an long legged elephant carrying a poneglyp on hits back facing a similar elephan.

At their feet are a angel and a skeleton looking creature, representing life and death, good and evil.

so if there are a species of zunisha elephants then where are the others ? I believe they are basically extinct but there are 2 of them a good one and a evil one.

zunisha is the good dali elephant the evil one is no other than the Florian triangle monster

This is the creature that’s been attacking ships in that sea and it’s another elephant.

in wano, oda kind of blue balled us with zunisha. Who showed up and basically did nothing. It showed up just to explain luffy has the same heart beat as joyboy. We are told zunisha is able to open the borders of wano.

so instead of wano being opened by zunisha it will be opened by the evil elephant that is convinced to join Shiki.

Thoery by