The RESULTS of the 2024 survey of caonima action!
Welcome to another Kpopalypse survey results post! This time we’re wrapping up all the important survey results in the Kpopalypse 2024 survey of caonima action!
Question 1: Hi! How are you? Please answer in as much or as little detail as applicable.
The usual traditional opening question, which all readers have come to know and love. Here’s some randomly selected answers, and my replies!
Honestly, great. After a few months of aimlessness after finishing my undergrad, I’ve accepted an offer to study at an Australian university for graduate school and I’m working on the visa paperwork right now. Assuming all goes well, I’ll get to study in my favorite field AND live with my fiance. Several years of trans-Pacific long distance has sucked balls. Praying that the government will accept me as a genuine cunt instead of leaving me in visa limbo.
The Australian government can definitely be a bunch of cunts when it comes to letting people immigrate here. Despite the anti-immigration “migrants flooding the country” narrative, in practice it’s actually really hard to get in and it takes much determination to break through the red tape. Good luck!
Fuck, I’ve been too busy with work and not enjoying life enough. Also gotten out of shape because I feel too lazy to do anything in my little time off. This can’t be the correct way to live, can it?
Probably not, but it can be hard to get motivation when your work activities are especially draining. I can relate – I’ve had to work a lot of less-than-ideal jobs lately to make ends meet, and my health is probably also suffering for it. Fortunately, it’s temporary, better times ahead…
i’d rather KILL MYSELF than tell you anything
Gosh now that’s a bit drastic, don’t do that. You could have just typed “n/a” or “fuck you Kpopalypse you creepy bald Australian cunt” or something.
fuck you Kpopalypse you creepy bald Australian cunt
See? How hard was that? Not hard at all.
Getting on pretty well – was finally able to move out from home six months ago and my life quality has drastically improved. Still kinda salty I can’t work out what was in Jane’s package tho.
Just think about what could have the effect that it had, and would definitely work on most adults, but something a child would be unlikely to show interest in…
ok except for being unemployed, why tf do employers never get back to applicants, I wish I were a nepo baby
Yes being unemployed does suck. The good part about it though is you can focus your entire energy on your job search.
hi. so i decided to drop out of college. for a second time. i used to study medicine but the environment was too toxic, it made my depression worse and caused my thyroid gland to go berserk. so i dropped out. i got a job at a call center and have been working there for 5 years(my anniversary is in like two months). i was always the smart kid in the class and my mother always had high hopes for me. 3 years ago i enrolled into college again, opting to major in IT despite me not having any real passion for it.
due to me working full time and supporting my younger brother who has still a student, and my mother who has been diagnosed with cancer last year, it’s really hard to find the time or the energy to fully dedicate myself to college and graduating so i had to repeat a year.
meanwhile i got promoted twice on my current job in the span of the past two years. don’t get me wrong, i am not passionate about workforce management or excel or being a data analyst but the pay is reasonable, it gives me financial and emotional independence and helps me in supporting my family.
i haven’t told my mother about my plans to drop out again, as i don’t want to worry her and worsen her health condition. i have told none of my friends either. i guess i just need a safe space to dump all of these thoughts. a few days ago i turned 29, next year i am turning the big 30 which sounds hella silly. in the vast span of time and space 30 years is laughable, a mere blink of an eye.
i wrote all of this to give context as to why i always feel like the speed at which i move in my life is off. growing up i was the mature, responsible older sister, an overachiever. now i feel like i am behind everyone and everything because my pace doesn’t match anyone in my environment. i don’t share the collective experiences of graduating from uni, having a steady relationship or having any semblance of an idea of what the hell i want to do with my future. and i repeat day in day out that everyone has their own pace and path in life, but that doesn’t make living my life easier. do you think trying to go to therapy (again) and signing up for a gym would help lol
don’t feel obliged to reply to this or to read through this word vomit. i am just grateful for you providing me with a safe space to get all of this out of my system. and to answer your question…
tl; dr: i am not doing too hot, but i want to believe that at some point i will be okay
Well if your goal of going to uni is to get a career, and you already have a career, and you’re not even that passionate about your uni degree topic… do you need uni? I mean sure if the job is making you miserable change it, but it seems to me like it’s the other things that are making you miserable, like expectations, feeling like you’re not achieving, or whatever. Ultimately though your life is yours – whatever you decide to do with it, the most important thing is that you’re doing it because that’s what you want to do, not because of some outsid expectation or idea about how taht’s what you “should” do or “successful people do this” or whatever. Jobs don’t bring fulfillment, they bring money.Money doesn’t bring you fulfillment either necessarily, but it does make it a hell of a lot easier to negotiate certain obstacles that can get in the way…
I have the flu and it turned out really bad and nasty. A lot of disgusting liquid in my nose, a lot of loud coughing. Please imagine in detail.
Just sharing this with the readers because sharing is caring.
I am doing pretty well, recently won the lottery (1.5 million in crypto! retiring early) and was given a Nobel Peace Price for my outstanding efforts to bring about peace in tiktok comments. Army / Exol / Blinks haven’t doxxed me yet, but it’s only a matter of time, so I’ll be hiring some armed assassins to keep watch over my 2 bedroom flat apartment with perfect feng shui furniture arrangement (those ikea pieces were NOT cheap and I don’t want them stolen). Hope you’re doing well too.
I don’t know what’s harder to believe – that someone won a crypto lottery, or that someone’s been active on TikTok as a peacemaker in the k-pop space and not yet doxxed by k-pop fandoms devoted to eternal fanwar.
I have a three month old baby and when she won’t sleep we’ve been watching a lot of kpop music videos which is probably going to give her some sort of complex or just terrible taste in music when she grows up.. idk which
She’s going to grow up to talk shit about me on whatever social media is trending with the kids in 20 years, I can sense it.
I just made stir-fried fajita lime chicken with rice and bell peppers which was nice; I have my own apartment now and stay with my boyfriend half the week and feel like I’m learning to be more independent (I’m 23.) Which reminds me, I keep meeting people online who seem around as or less mature than I am despite being older than me (ranging between like 27-40.) I feel a bit freaked out when I meet them—it feels like they haven’t outgrown their “Tiktok commenter” phase or genuinely engaged too much with ideas outside of their own. What makes this happen with people? Do they have poor reading comprehension, are they radicalized by something, are they just super isolated/shy…?
I think everyone matures at different rates. I know I was a dumb fuck in my 20s and you probably would have thought the same shit about me – and you would have been right.
Hey I’m great!
Living life with a lot of routine which makes me satisfied. Just finished the whole Shin Hana series and i’m happy all the girls have their own happy ending (except maybe Iseul). Your blog and books have made me realise that the world of kpop is not as glamorous as i thought it was, so thank you for opening my eyes!!
You’re welcome! Iseul’s doing okay, she probably needs her own gritty reality series.
Some days are better than others. I can’t help but overthink about the part I play in causing myself pain on the days where it’s worse, and I blame myself a lot for the way I am, but I’m trying to work on it. Fortunately my friends also somehow or rather show up for me and let me lean on them, so it reduces the self-loathing and let’s me see things more clearly. Internally, I have a lot of stress but I do feel that that is because I magnify every bad thing under a microscope and forget to look at what is going right. Externally, there are great things in my life that I am lucky to have. I just have to learn to internalise that, some how. Any tips?
I got over feelings like this by being very mentally active. I’m always writing something, or doing something. If I’m always busy creating I don’t have to time to get too negative. This entire website could just be one big therapy session.
stan loona
surviving ig. i switched programs from physics to music finally so i guess i no longer want to kms over that. i got into the band for this super cool gig (on keys) and i’m really excited about that. still pretty lonely but i guess i’m destined for that
Nah, things will happen. Especially if you keep the band stuff going.
I am scared of you and I think you’re weird but you’re also very funny and I don’t know what to do about it
Well I am weird. But I’m also friendly and probably only about 35% as scary as I seem.
hi, good. but the kpopalypse survey always makes me go wtf another year has passed already??
That’s strange because I do these big ones once every six months. You may actually be half as old as you feel.
So bored that I’m asking some snarky Australian old fuck ex-DJ blogger on his Retrospring about the breast naturalness of an escort who lives in a country I don’t yet
Yep, you’re pretty bored
Far better than last year ! I overcame my anxiety disorder and will finally be able to accomplish my goal ! I was suicidal one year ago but I kept fighting ! So, if people reading this are struggling about their own life, don’t do it and seek for therapy. Life is worth living it !
I’m kinda fucked as I’m now unemployed. If you had worked for government or administration jobs before do you suggest me to join in such career path and what advice can you give if someone is to pursue such career path?
I did work for the government for a little while many years ago. Hated it.
Best advice I can give is don’t, but if you do, learn some basic Excel, you’ll probably need it at some point. I know it’s not cool but it’s a sport now, or something.
Worried about the prospect of Trump being elected!
I doubt he will get elected legally, he’s too divisive and weird. Being divisive and weird is fine if you’re a k-pop writer but not if you’re running for a position that relies on popularity. You should be more worried about what will happen after, when he inevitably claims that he won anyway, and uses his usual Goebbels playbook to rally his fandom to do god knows what. In 2020 he was claiming the election was stolen before the votes were even counted, watch him do the same thing again. He’ll probably also call in a few more favours from his friend Elon Musk, watch out for that guy (if you haven’t quit Twitter yet, now’s a good time).
Thank you for asking. I am conflicted. Recently, I have started engaging in homosexual activities with a guy, and I think that I would like for us to be gay together for a long time. My problem: I recently got out of a relationship that kind of fucked me up mentally. Well, “recently”, in October it will be a year since I last met my ex, but the emotional damage is still very much present! My next problem: this guy also has pre-existing psychiatric problems caused by a previous relationship. That relationship ended quite some time ago, but the damage done by it is still there. My third problem: we both have long-term severe mental health issues that are independent from our relationship-related problems. [Pause for dramatic effect] Man, it really does not bode well for our potential relationship. I mean, we practically already are boyfriends. We do everything that a couple does, except call each other ‘boyfriend’ or ‘babe’ or some other gay shit. (Note: ‘gay shit’ because we are gay. I am not homophobic. I love all gay people, especially my boyf- I mean, my bro.) I don’t even know why I’m so conflicted over this thing, because I do want to be his boyfriend, and I want him to be my boyfriend, and I want to tell the whole world that he’s my boyfriend because he’s the hottest guy to have ever existed and I want everyone to be jealous of me. But at the same time, I do wonder if it’s really a good idea considering the odds are stacked against us, and I already want to kill myself and don’t need another failed relationship to fully push me over the edge. But if I were to tell him that we shouldn’t be gay together anymore, I’d be a major jerk for leading him on. I don’t think in that scenario he’d actually have any ill feelings towards me. He’d most likely understand why I called it off, but I’d still be a jerk.
So, to summarize, my choices are either 1. be gay with him, or 2. be a jerk. Even when I put it like that, I’m still conflicted. But once again, I don’t understand why I’m so conflicted, because I don’t think I’d be able to not be gay with him. I texted him this Thursday (I don’t know when the fuck you’ll be reading this, but as of the time that I am writing this, it’s Saturday) and asked if he wanted to hang out some day during the weekend, and he responded with telling me that he is busy every day except for Sunday. SUNDAY?????? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???????? I actually got kind of pissed when I read that, not at him, but at time. I realize now that I never even replied to his text because I got so pissy over the fact that I wouldn’t meet him until fucking Sunday. Oh my god. It’s almost Sunday. You know what? I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to be so fucking gay with this man. I’m going to be so gay that the Oxford English Dictionary will change it’s definition of homosexuality to my name. I’ll probably change my mind later, but right now I am very excited about us being gay tomorrow. If he cancels, I might die. I should also probably tell him that tomorrow works for me too. Oops.
I guess I’m changing my answer. I’m not conflicted, for the time being. We’ll see how I feel in a week. Well, before I move on to the next question… How are you?
Please answer in as much or as little detail as applicable. PEACE!
I’m good!
Pick option 1 and be gay with the guy. The fact that you both have some serious issues isn’t the weakness you think it is. If anything it may strengthen your gayness, because you can help each other overcome trauma and bad shit. If there’s one person who understands what it’s like to go through shit, it’s another person also going through shit. Happy long term couples aren’t people who are perfect, they’re people who learn to live with and help the other person through their faults and weaknesses. Use the bad shit as a bridge to build communication and trust, and who knows where your relationship will go. You might be still doing it five sequels later, like Chuu and Yves.
Question 2: Do you consent to Kpopalypse using your data for the purposes of being a cunt
Seems about right, nah yeah.
Question 3: Important demographic question – your age?
Demographic research shows that Kpopalypse readers are generally older than the average k-pop reader, which makes sense because being a caonima is something that a lot of readers feel they need to age into.
Question 5: Your gender?
As usual, female readers outnumber male readers on This was the first year when I gave people an option not to disclose their gender, so who knows what the hell those people were, a bunch of cunts who refuse to answer questions probably, but hopefully they feel included now.
Question 6: Your LGBT status?
Nearly 50% of you are somewhere on the Chuuvestrum, and another nearly-quarter of you think you might be. Straight people really are an oppressed minority here at!
Question 7: There are six TNTHGSWY games, should the series continue?
Slightly more people than not seem to want the TNTHGSWY series to continue on past the danger zone of six episodes!
Question 8: Here is a lyrics video for the song “Done” by Naevis
Please rate this song’s lyrics on the K-pop Intelligibility Scale with 1 being “If you wanna pretty, every wanna pretty” and 10 being “you’re the best ever come in my life”
I don’t really know what this means, but it’s only my job to collect the data, not make sense of it.
Question 9: Asian-but-not-Korean not-pop not-world-music weekly features in roundup will come to an end in December 2024, and will probably be replaced by non-Korean LGBT in 2025 unless I have a better idea. How do you feel about this?
Kpopalypse surveydoers determined that my proposed gay content was indeed very gay. Meanwhile Holland filled out the survey multiple times, that man needs a job.
Question 10: You have captured Bang Si-Hyuk and Min Hee Jin, and imprisoned them in your k-pop dungeon, you have them both suspended on a platform above a pool of hungry sharks. There is a trapdoor under each of them, and you have a lever which can only release one trapdoor, sending one person to their certain death, but the other person gets to walk free plus gets full control of NewJeans plus millions of dollars and immunity to lawsuits. Which person do you release into the shark pool?
Never one to shy away from the big issues affecting k-pop today, readers threw down on the important issue of Bang Si Hyuk vs Min Hee Jin! To leave them standing there or just kick the platform over, that is the question you all struggled with, probably over lunch.
Question 11: How do you feel about k-pop song quality this year?
Kpopalypse readers actually thought that song quality improved about maybe 0.014% this year. This breaks the usual pattern where caonimas have often thought that songs were getting slightly worse overall, on average. Impressive!
Question 12: Observe this video of Chuu.
What do you notice about Chuu?
Observant caonimas noticed the ponytail! Good work!
Question 13: Prices of the Kpopalypse e-books are $2.99 USD for the first e-book and $4.99 for the other three in the series. Should I apply further discounts?
Actually this pricing doesn’t apply everywhere, ebooks are cheaper than shown here in Brazil and the Philippines. However for most other countries it applies. I was surprised by how many people thought I should leave the books at the existing prices, so I’ll probably just do that for the most part, but I’m sure I could find a reason to apply the “Caitlin discount” at some point.
Question 14: A reaction to Suhyun hitting #1 on the Kpopalypse bias list:
While I probably would share my Whittaker’s chocolate block with Suhyun, I’d also encourage her to go to the gym with me afterwards, if she wanted.
Question 15: Kpopalypse is writing a new book! Name the female main character! This question is optional.
Thanks for all your responses! Best suggestions:
Your cat is a female, right? Chronicle her journey of her ruthless rise as leader of Mnet’s latest girl group and the high-stakes legal drama that results after she racks up 500 billion worth of damages doing *insert crime*
Just asked for a main character name, didn’t expect a whole-ass plot synopsis including mid-story spoilers! I do like this idea though, maybe one for a furry author.
Slayer Southofheaven
There’s definitely potential in this name!
dont care still
Neither do I, that’s why I got you to pick!
Kachel Rim
Definitely a quality name!
Question 16: What should be the sexuality of the main character?
That split is relatively even, but one thing is for sure – Kpopalypse readers don’t want to read a book from the perspective of boring heterosexuals.
Question 17: How much sex should there be in the new book?
I’m honestly shocked by how many of you wanted a realistic amount of sex scenes and didn’t want me to just write porn. Don’t think that it means I won’t write some anyway at some point…
Question 18: Put your nomination for the 2025 Kpopalypse “no reason” sidebar girl here. This question is optional.
Thank you for your nominations! The new winner of the extreme honour of “no reason” sidebar girl is XG’s Cocona!
Question 19: I haven’t had any ex-idol interviews for a while now, despite reaching out to people as usual. Why is this?
The era of tell-all Kpopalypse interviews may in fact be over, and it’s easy to see why. Idols have a lot to lose and little to gain from doing a Kpopalypse Interview, even some of the very few who have been courageous enough to do one have had to reneg on the deal later for various reasons due to ‘external forces’. Also, fair enough that they want to get a little money from TikTok, it’s probably some of the only decent money a lot of them will get from their idol careers. Still, my email inbox is always open, should they change their minds…
Question 20: Here is NewJeans’ latest ASMR video.
What’s your favourite ASMR moment of this video?
NewJeans always seem to be at the center of controversy, and the decision about which part of their latest ASMR video was best certainly met typically divisive NewJeans hot topic issue standards! Why can’t we just all agree?
Question 21: Yes I have communicated with AustralianSana recently and there is a podcast being planned soon! How do you feel about this?
Fans of the podcast series will be happy to know that the AustralianSana podcast did occur and you can listen to it here! Unfortunately she was sober but hey if you want DrunkSana you have to pay for the booze, them’s the rules.
Question 22: For my readers battling with OCD, please rate’s inclusiveness of the concerns of OCD sufferers on this scale between 1 and 10.
More readers picked the first option, which was also the ‘yes’ option, as well as number 1 out of 2. Hopefully this inability to select a correct answer cured you of your OCD affliction. For an extra “can’t scratch that itch, guess I just have to live with it” bonus, I made sure to spell my website’s name wrong.
Question 23: As usual, I plan to write a Halloween fiction this year. What format would you prefer?
Caonima’s wish is my command – you can experience the latest Kpopalypse Halloween fanfiction by clicking here!
Question 24: Cat
Question 25: How do you feel about the trend of “global girl groups” from k-pop agencies?
What’s more racist, liking “global girl groups” or not liking them? Nobody knows, but most of you agreed that the trend has been underwhelming so far.
Question 26: Come to think of it, why IS there a microscopically tiny but very obsessed ultra-right wing of international k-pop fans?
The whole “I’m going to embrace the music of another culture that isn’t my own and by the way I think that Hitler guy had some points” crowd are pretty slim on the ground in the k-pop world for obvious reasons, but they do exist. Readers seemed to feel that it was the oppression of women and minorities in the k-pop world that might be drawing them in.
Question 27: The other day, a “bestselling romance author” contacted me on social networking. They started DMing me unprompted and telling me how they sold a lot of books, and sending me links to their books (which were legit and actually do seem to sell quite a bit, they are at the time of writing #1382 in “Animal Fiction” on Amazon, I could never). They then started asking me about how my own books were selling. After I told them that I didn’t sell that many and wasn’t really in it for that kind of reason, I was ghosted. What was this person’s deal?
Readers were divided on this topic, but the most popular option was… to see if I ccould give them sales tips? Okay, so if that person who DMed me is reading, here’s a tip: read this post and use the information in it to try and write a book that isn’t complete dogshit. Your book will probably sell better if it doesn’t suck balls… but then, after reading some of the stuff that does sell, maybe sucking balls is advantage, fuck, I dunno… fancy asking me this shit…
Question 28: Here’s a picture of Yua Mikami, freely wandering the streets being a fashionista, unburdened by the concerns of k-pop (yes this photo is for real, not an AI).
Actually, she does seem like a nice girl.
Question 29: Please select your favourite JAV from the following recent JAVs of the month. (Apologies that there are a lot of these, but I do one as punishment for each non-question that is submitted in QRIMOLE. If I don’t teach them, they won’t learn!)
Here’s your selections – from least popular to most!
5th: [SONE-319] “It’s your big boobs, Sensei!” A delicate female teacher with massive K-cup breasts turns all the boys into rapists
4th: [URKK-094] Soothing with Breasts! Ultimate Busty Beautiful Maid Reflexology Mansion
3rd: [LULU-283] During overtime, a part-time housewife cleaner who can’t hide her frustration seduces me with her unconscious big butt, demanding creampie.
2nd: [PPPE-249] A horny, curvy office lady who is weak to pressure undergoes sexual harassment training. Her big, sensitive, doughy nipples get doused in cum and turned into a mega fleshlight.
Question 30: Please rate your enjoyment of this survey
Question 31: Results of this survey will be published after it closes. Do you actually read these results posts?
Well, I guess if you’re reading this right now, you probably voted ‘yes’!
Question 32: Thank you for doing this survey! If you have any feedback for Kpopalypse please leave it here. This question is optional.
Some selected responses, and my replies!
Congrats on having a more inclusive question about gender than the multinational company I work for! (I’ve drafted a very corporate-speak inquiry email about it that I’ll send them the next time I’m bored out of my mind) I appreciate it, cunt.
Despite outward appearances, Kpopalypse has always been a beacon of inclusivity and acceptance within the highly toxic and bigoted scene of online k-pop spaces. True caonimas know this!
Maybe every now and again, trade-in the CUNT attitude to a CUNTINESS attitude and you will be filled with fans. Get that Schmoney my guy
I have no idea what the fuck this even means
I hope your cat continues to live a long and happy life (genuine). I also have an elder cat and have been concerned with his health lately. I love all your silly cat videos and hope your baby stays happy
Me too! Of course no cat lasts forever, but hopefully she has many more years. Because she’s kinda big I always get paranoid about her dying randomly one day, most likely while eating. At least she woudl have died doing what she loved…
You’re my bias Kpop writer. I get a ton of enjoyment from this site; thank you for all the content.
You’re welcome!
Re book pricing: if you’re not doing a big push to get readers (which is not your style) I’d actually go up to $5.99, if Trump wins he will probably implement policies that will restart inflation in the US again, so $5.99 won’t look like as much to US readers and you can collect our dollars (such as they’ll be) while pointing and laughing at us (again). Also $0.99 or free is a more typical first-in-series discount, though I can see you being like, “Fuck that, I’m not giving away books.” Since you’re in KU I might not even do the first book discount, just price ’em all at $5.99 and save the price drops for when you feel like advertising.
I’d rather make the books affordable to caonimas of all income brackets, than squeeze a few extra dollarydoos out of people just because I can. I mean yes if the $USD turns to absolute ass (highly likely if Trump gets in) I might consider a price rise but then on the other hand I might just feel sorry for your poor broke ass Americans getting robbed by multi-millionaire Trump to fund his next yacht and keep my prices low on purpose. Also the reason why my first ebook is exactly $2.99 is because of how e-book royalties work on Amazon, where it makes much more sense financially to price things within the $2.99-$9.99 bracket because the royalty rate is better. If I price it lower than $2.99, Jeff Bezos makes more money from my book than I do, which doesn’t seem very fair given that he’s a billionaire and isn’t even subscried to my Ko-fi at the Elon Musk tier.
I loved this year’s asian non kpop selection, I hope to more punk rock mentions from here on.
Happy to hear! There will be more…
What would you do if you found an adult video scene you liked with two certified JAV hotties going to pound town in a non-degrading, flirty but deeply intimate way but it featured not only the world’s ugliest lingerie set but also the world’s most busted, bent, ugly, bad, unappealing couch that it totally distracted you and ruined your evening. I’m at least glad that they messed both of the items up beyond repair but where do these people find these those things? Make floral patterns great again 2024
It’s funny because usually I get bothered when the couches are too nice, because they do those bukkake scenes on them and about 50% of the cum usually misses the girl completely and just lands straight on the couch and I always feel sorry for the person who has to clean that later. Cleaning up after sex work is a profession that’s very much underappreciated, that’s why Sooae in my books has that kind of job, everyone wants to write about the fucking but nobody wants to talk about changing the sheets. There needs to be a “Viscera Cleanup Detail” kind of game but an adult version where instead of visiting a space station or whatever, you go to brothels, hot springs and various other sex-work friendly locations and tidy up the mess from the previous night’s orgies. OCD sufferers who were also porn addicts would love it.
As a racist right winger I’ll offer up why I think Kpop appeals to the few dozen of us. First off believe it or not we are human beings that also like hot people dancing and singing fun songs. Wild I know, and brace yourself: Kpop is actually more right wing than left. That should be obvious but I’m sure there are countless libtards living in denial of this reality like they do everything, because “look at how hard Soyeon is girlbossing” or some ignorant shit. Mainstream western pop and art in general are pretty horrible and have been since being totally consumed by self-righteous, “activist” libtardation years ago. Asian cultures are still much more conservative however, and so the art they produce contains conservative messages and values much more often. Kpop, funnily enough with its horde of brainwashed ultraliberal know-nothing fangirls, carries a lot of traditional values in terms of gender roles, reverence for traditional beauty, respect for hierarchy, the pursuit of disciplined excellence, modesty, and racial homogeneity — at least relative to the west. As a westerner stuck in a society where masculinized women, ugliness, multiculturalism, and degeneracy are glorified and worshipped, the escapism offered by kpop is heightened. The twist here is these areas of conservative distinction– trad beauty on the highest pedestal, low degeneracy, high modesty, competition in a capitalist environment, racial purity (vcha and katseye flopped) — are actually where most stans, even the libtards, find appeal in kpop. The difference is right wingers can be honest about it whereas libtards have to unconsciously deny/ignore it or make up some bullshit rationalization about how their favs are secret gay allies that actually don’t care about their skin being tan.
While I don’t agree with this ideology (you’ll never convince me that degeneracy isn’t great, that racism is cool, that modesty isn’t just boring, or that Eunjung doesn’t look better the more masculinised she is) I actually completely agree with your observations about the hypocrisy of fans who give lip-service to progressive values while cheering on the hypercapitalist whipping of teenagers, as well as k-pop having more right-wing values in general. I think that’s absolutely correct, and part of why I write is because I recognise that k-pop does have those values and I think that’s something that needs pointing out. Whether people agree or disagree with those values, I think that’s not as important as just knowing they exist in that scene, so people looking from the outside in can make properly informed choices. Young k-pop fans gassing each other up with positivity and bullshit doesn’t seem too harmful on the surface until they get so enamoured by k-pop dreams that they audition for groups themselves, get in, and find out that the values they hold dear are nowhere to be found in the guts of the machine. It actually happens all the time, and I know this because people talk to me about it… increasingly off the record though, which is a pity. If only I had a way of somehow letting people know some of what they’ve been telling me…
as someone who ACTUALLY experiences asmr the correct answer is the coughs.
also i feel bad for the girls under cignature’s label! i know you’re a coomer so you love jeewon but like as a gay man i feel bad! especially seeing the girls’ reaction to the underpanty shot in their summer snoozer comeback@ 1:20, girl in the middle’s face drops but everyone else professionaly goes like “uhhh the fuck?”). also i dont remember this being a bonus video or anything so im including it here
Chaesol (front middle) definitely is the one who has a problem with it. She looks like she’s considering her life choices, or at least, hoping her parents aren’t watching. The others, I think not so much. But then, who knows for sure? You never really know for sure unless they tell you, and even then, you have to ask why they’re telling you, because the system is such that you can’t easily trust information. I refer people to the comic at the end of this post. Jay is the way.
why does stiglitz always look so grumpy
Because it’s usually been at least ten seconds since she last ate, and she wants to eat again. She’s as grumpy as her namesake.
That’s all for these suvey results! Thank you to all who participated! Kpopalypse will return!