Wednesday 17 August 2022

Netizens Find This Illustration Of “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” Plot Summary As Hillarious But Accurate, Here’s Why

Extraordinary Attorney Woo has become a hot topic because of the increasing hate comments they continue to receive as the story progresses.

On August 18, a critical post about Extraordinary Attorney Woo“ began trending on instiz‘ community board under the title, “THIS IS WOO YOUNGWOO *SPOILERS*“.

The netizen who posted attached a photo and said, (Beginning, Development, Ending)“.

The netizen then listed all the hate comments as the following:

“For real “

“I agree”

“Sigh, it was so fun until episode 4”

“I’m not watching the show, so why? Is the plot getting worse and worse every episode? “
“> Yes”

” I don’t think it’s bad to that extent, but it’s indeed a bit disappointing “

” For real it’s such a freaking waste”

” Am I the only one who still enjoy the mood?”

“What the? I didn’t even realize that time flew today, even though last week was a bit of a lose”

“I don’t think that it’s to this extent, but compared to the first half, their strength decreased by a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit it’s still enjoyable though “

“I feel like today had several instances when I went “huh?” … But I hope that tomorrow will be better… “

What are your thoughts on “Extraordinary Attorney Woo”?
